Newsletter and BMAC

Hello there, since you have landed on this page, I’m guessing you’re interested in signing up for my newsletter or supporting me on Buy Me a Coffee. If not, I hope I’ll be successful in convincing you by the time you finish reading this.

I have been hibernating on this email newsletter thingy for quite a few years. While I’ve been writing consistently for the past five years, primarily for clients, I’ve interacted with readers via Twitter, LinkedIn, and sparsely in person. But life moves fast and we lose touch. The newsletter allows me to keep in touch with you by sharing my writings and updating what I’m up to in my life.

I won’t make this newsletter complicated by sharing too much too frequently. I don’t want to clutter your already over-cluttered inbox. Here’s what you need to know:

  • You’ll get two newsletters in a month (one every two weeks) and occasional updates but that will be rarer than rare.
  • Along with my writings in that period, you’ll also get interesting content I came across or just share what’s up in my personal life.
  • That’s it!

The idea is still raw so I’d like to know what you’d read in the newsletter, be it music, marketing, or writing. Let me know on indrajeet at indrajeetad dot com. Alternatively, you can also use the Contact Me form.

Sounds good? Take the first step by filling in the following form:

Support Me on Buy Me a Coffee

Writing, website maintenance, and other sundry tasks take quite a bit of time from my schedule. I also need to pay for the website domain, hosting, and other software apps that I use.

While some websites rely on ad platforms such as Google AdSense or courses to generate revenue, I don’t intend to do any of those because I want to write just for the joy of it. I also don’t want to do the paywall/membership stuff because I learned writing, guitar playing, and several essential life skills via the internet without paying a lot, just a few courses and ebooks. And I’d like to keep it like that for you as well.

So, the ideal way to make money is through voluntary donations. Buy Me a Coffee is a platform that lets us do just that. You buy me “a virtual coffee(s)” by paying a few bucks as low as USD 1 to show your patronage. You can also show your support by sharing my content on social media or by sending your feedback or encouraging words in my email.

You can click on the following Buy Me a Coffee link to show your support:

Featured photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash